Work safely at heights (CPCCCM2012)

This unit specifies the skills and knowledge required to work safely on construction sites where the worker has the potential to fall from one level to another.

This unit of competency does not cover the erection of scaffold or work platforms, but it does include identifying and reporting common faults with scaffold or work platform systems.

Work at heights is undertaken in a range of construction work, including new construction, renovation, refurbishment and maintenance.

This unit also applies to workers in other industries who need to control the two separate risks associated with people and objects falling from heights.

Completion of the general construction induction training program, specified in the Safe Work Australia model Code of Practice: Construction Work, is required by anyone carrying out construction work. Achievement of CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry meets this requirement.

Course duration: You will get your statement of attendance in 7 business days, once all evidences and assessments are submitted to trainer online

Course cost: 

Funding – $300

Full Fee – $350

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Elements and Performance Criteria

Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe what needs to be done to demonstrate achievement of the element.


Identify task requirements.


Read work order and associated drawings and consult with relevant persons to determine the proposed work-at-heights task, including where and how work is to be carried out, and the equipment or plant to be used.


Participate in the development of the safe work method statement (SWMS) for the specified task.


Select appropriate work-at-heights control measures including required fall restraint devices and/or fall arrest devices in accordance with workplace and regulatory requirements.


Determine location of anchor points for harness-based work to safely access required work area.


Review completed SWMS and clarify issues with relevant persons.


Access and assess work area.


Select personal protective equipment (PPE), check for serviceability and report problems.


Identify unstable, fragile or brittle work surfaces and implement control measures to prevent a fall from height.


Check fall protection equipment, including required fall restraint and fall arrest devices to ensure serviceability and report problems.


Identify, select and install signage and barricade equipment in accordance with SWMS or relevant safe work procedure.


Install/fit fall protection equipment, including fall restraint devices and fall arrest devices as appropriate, within the limitations of licensing requirements, level of authority and SWMS.


Ensure required fall protection, scaffold and barriers have been adequately installed and where necessary certified, in accordance with regulatory and workplace requirements.


Connect to fall protection equipment, including temporary anchor points, without being exposed to a risk of a fall from height.


Consult with relevant persons to confirm fall protection equipment and safety systems are correctly fitted, adjusted and installed, and are appropriate to the task.


Access work area safely and move and place tools, equipment and materials using methods that eliminate or minimise the risk of falling objects.


Conduct work tasks.


Undertake work tasks in compliance with the SWMS and workplace requirements.


Traverse between anchor points while remaining connected to the fall prevention system and protected from a risk of a fall from height.


Use PPE appropriate to the task and in accordance with manufacturer requirements.


Maintain communication with relevant persons while working at height.


Keep fall protection equipment in place and adjust to allow for movement during work.


Keep fall prevention equipment adjusted to prevent falling off or through a structure using the restraint technique.


Keep scaffold/work platform components and fall barriers in place during work.


Monitor control measures and consult with relevant persons to respond to changing work practices or site conditions.


Exit from work area removing tools and materials in compliance with worksite procedures, safety and environmental requirements.

Assessment requirements

Performance Evidence

To demonstrate competency in this unit, a candidate must meet the elements and performance criteria by working safely at heights above 2 m on three occasions, using different fall protection equipment/devices on each occasion.

One occasion must include a restraint technique (anchor point) system with a minimum of three anchor points.

The candidate must access the work area, traverse between anchor points and exit from the work area.

Knowledge Evidence

To be competent in this unit, a candidate must demonstrate knowledge of:

  • workplace and regulatory requirements for working safely at heights under applicable Commonwealth, state or territory work health and safety (WHS) legislation, Australian Standards and codes of practice:
  • hazard identification and risk control
  • job safety and environmental analyses (JSEAs)
  • safe work method statements (SWMSs)
  • safety data sheets (SDSs)
  • safety manuals and instructions for plant, tools and equipment:
  • operation manuals
  • manufacturer specifications
  • safety signs and load charts for plant
  • signage and barricades
  • selection, fitting and use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • environmental and worksite safety plans
  • reporting problems
  • processes for planning to work safely at heights:
  • assessment of weather and ground conditions that may affect safety while working at heights
  • assessment of conditions and hazards
  • determination of work requirements
  • identification of equipment defects
  • inspection of worksites
  • methods for identifying common faults with scaffold or work platform systems
  • types, characteristics, uses and limitations of equipment used when working safely at heights:
  • air compressors and hoses
  • anchor points
  • edge protection
  • elevated work platforms (EWPs)
  • fall arrest anchors
  • fall arrest inertia reels
  • guard rails
  • hand and power tools including nail guns
  • ladders
  • power leads
  • rescue equipment
  • ropes
  • safety harnesses, lanyards and attachments such as snap hooks and carabiners
  • scaffolding
  • shock absorbers
  • stairways
  • static line systems
  • temporary anchor systems
  • trestles
  • safe methods for accessing work area, traversing between anchor points and exiting from work area including removing tools and materials when working at heights.


Category: SKU: CSQ-CCT-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1