Proposed Schedule (subject to the needs of the student).
1 RIIBEF201E Plan and organise work
2 RIICCM201E Carry out measurements and calculations
3 RIICCM202E Identify, locate and protect underground services
4 RIICCM203E Read and interpret plans and specifications
5 RIICCM205F Carry out manual excavation
6 RIICCM206E Support plant operations
7 RIICCM207E Spread and compact materials manually
8 RIICCM208E Carry out basic levelling
9 RIICOM201E Communicate in the workplace
10 RIISAM201E Handle resources and infrastructure materials and safely dispose of nontoxic materials
11 RIISAM203E Use hand and power tools
12 RIISAM204E Operate small plant and equipment
13 RIIWHS201E Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
14 RIIWMG203E Drain and dewater civil construction site
15 RIIMPO318F Conduct civil construction skid steer loader operations
16 RIIRIS301E Apply risk management processes
17 RIIMPO320F Conduct civil excavator operations
18 RIIHAN309F Conduct telescopic materials handler operations
19 RIIHAN308F Conduct operations with integrated tool carrier
20 RIIVEH304E Conduct tip truck operations
21 RIICRC201E Repair Potholes
22 RIIHAN301E Operate elevating work platform
23 RIIHAN308F Load and unload plant